Review of Design and Implementation of Automated Drugs Mixer


  • Hayder Ajmi Beshet Electrical Engineering Technical College, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Ahmed Rashid Ajel Electrical Engineering Technical College, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Aws Basil Hamed Electrical Engineering Technical College, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Noaman Mohammad Noaman University of Technology Bahrain , Bahrain



Macromixing of the Drug, Pumping, Syringe Pump, Infusion Pump, Smart Pump


Macromixing and drug control are becoming more essential in a wide range of chemical and biological applications. The efficacy of microfluidic macromixing devices, which are particularly beneficial to give an exact quantity of material at specified times, is greatly influenced by the infusion pump. The construction of a low-cost functional prototype of an infusion pump in the management of delivery rates that are variable and low in particular quantities is proposed in this study. The infusion pump may be seen working at various flow rates, proving that the device may be utilized to control the volume and rate of flow of chemical fluids in medical settings, in addition to microfluidic mixing investigations in specific and scientific studies, In general, the biomedical field.


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Author Biography

Noaman Mohammad Noaman, University of Technology Bahrain , Bahrain

College of Engineering


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Design of Lab VIEW circuit




How to Cite

Hayder Ajmi Beshet, Ahmed Rashid Ajel, Aws Basil Hamed, & Noaman Mohammad Noaman. (2023). Review of Design and Implementation of Automated Drugs Mixer. Journal of Techniques, 5(3), 101–107.




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