Double Blind Peer Review Process


The journal follows a double-blind-peer reviewed process to assure the quality of the publicatinos. All the manuscripts are submitted through our online manuscript management system.

The process starts by the user registering on our system as an author and then submitting the manuscript. TurnItIn is used for similarity checking by the editorial team prior to sending the manuscript to external reviewers. The author will be notified within 3 to 4 weeks about their manuscript via our system. The journal of techniques relies on reviewers from Iraqi and other international universities all around the world.

The review process can be ordered as follows:

1- The author submits the article in the submission phase.

2- The editorial team, removes the authors' name and assigns a random-unique-id. In this step, the submitted manuscript is checked for plagarism using TurnItIn

3- The manuscript is passed then to the review phase and is assigned a section editor.

4- The section editor, based on the journal's topic, assigns at least three reviewers.

5- The review, process starts and the reviewes are collected. The review is double-blind at this point.

6- Once, the reviews are submitted to the section-editor, he makes a decision, major revision, minor revision, accept or reject.

7- When accepted, the journal passes to phase-3 where the copyediting process is started.

8- Once the copy-editing phase is completed, the manuscript is passed to the fourth and final phase, production where it is combined with other manuscripts to form an issue.

All of the steps above are depicted in the figure below: