Journal Name: Journal of Techniques
ISSN: 2708-8383 (Online)
Publisher : Middle Technical University
Frequency : Quarterly
DOI : 10.51173/3/jt
Acceptance Rate :13%
Journal Template : (Download)
Note: Average publication time for manuscripts is 6 weeks.
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2- Researcher Information Form
Types of Articles
Articles submitted to the Journal of Techniques should be associated with the engineering, medical and health, management, applied arts or related disciplines. The journal aims to publish high-quality articles that show novel and significant results in the form of research, reviews, and technical reports.
Research articles should present an experimental, empirical or practical case study in a scientific field. Review articles should include a literature review of the published works related to the presented experimental, empirical or practical case study in a scientific field.
Before You Submit
Ethics in publishing
The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is necessary for the development of an integrated and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct consideration of the quality of the work of the authors and the foundations that support them. Peer-reviewed articles should be including a reviewed scientific knowledge based on scientific procedures. All parties involved in the publishing process must obey the following ethical rules and policies. For a detailed view of our ethics click here.
Ethics in medical works
All experiments involving human subjects must have been carried out under the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki 1975 (revised in 2013) endorsed by the World Medical Association. Prior approval by the relevant institutional/national ethics committee should have been obtained, and the materials and methods section should contain all the necessary details, such as the name of the ethics committee granting the approval and the date of approval. A copy of the ethics committee approval is required upon submission of the manuscript. Authors should have obtained written consent for the publication of their data from all human subjects/guardians included in the study, and the authors should provide the journal with these consent forms if requested. The results should not contain any personal information/images that reveal the identity of the subjects involved in the study.
This journal does not publish clinical-trial data where it involves the administration/injection of new drugs into human subjects.
If the study is exempt from requiring ethical approval, the authors should clarify the reasons for this, and this exemption should be approved by the relevant institutional/national ethics committee.
The researchers/authors are responsible for ensuring that all the guidelines above are complied with.
Submission declaration and verification
A submitted article must not have been published before in the same or any other languages, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, such as in other journals, conferences and so on. All authors must have agreed the submitted article, and the author corresponding with the journal on behalf of all the articles’ authors must declare their compliance with journal rules and ethics.
Once the journal has accepted an article, the corresponding author will be asked to complete a copyright form which grants the publisher of the Journal of Techniques (Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq) the right to publish the article as open access under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For a detailed view of our copyright policy click here.
As of 2024, the journal accepts articles written only in English (prior to 2024 the journal accepted articles in both Arabic and English). For English, both American and British English are accepted, but the article must be wholly one or the other, not a mixture of the two.
The journal will only receive manuscripts through the electronic online submission system (Open Journal System [OJS]). The submission steps are explained in a submission guide to help the authors to submit their works smoothly and quickly. The journal will only receive manuscripts as Word files including figures, tables, ..., etc., but without requiring a specific format.
Authors should provide the names, affiliations and email addresses of at least five referees who are interested in this research topic, and who will volunteer their time to review the novelty and quality of the submitted manuscript. The referees’ names should be listed within the “Comments for the Editor” field in the submission system.
Article structure
Title: The title must reflect the specific subject of the article with the minimum number of words possible. It is preferred that the title does not contain abbreviations, symbols or formulae.
Author names and affiliation: The authors must write their names and affiliations under the title. The person corresponding with the journal must mark his/her name with an asterisk (*) and write his/her active contact email.
Abstract: The abstract section must be concise and factual. The abstract must briefly report the main aim of the research, the principal results, and significant conclusions. An abstract is often shown in a separate section from the article, and should not include uncommon symbols, abbreviations or citations for references, but if these are necessary, they must be given at their first mention in the abstract itself. The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
Keywords: Provide a maximum of five keywords related to the main subject of the article, avoiding general, plural and multiple-concept terms. Furthermore, avoid using prepositions (“and,” “or,” “of,” etc.) if the keywords consist of more than one word. The keywords will be used for indexing and searching purposes.
Nomenclature: A nomenclature table may be included if the authors have used symbols and abbreviations. The journal accepts the international system of units (SI) only.
Introduction: Provide the background, objectives and aims, a literature review or a summary of the results, and the novelty of the submitted work.
Methodology and methods: Provide sufficient details to allow the research to reproduced by an independent researcher. Any methods used that are already in existence must be reported in details, and an appropriate reference must be cited. Any alterations to previous methods should also be described.
Results and discussion: The results must be presented using figures, tables and any other methods, with specific descriptions. The discussion details the significance of the results of the research without repetition. It is often appropriate to put the results and discussion sections together.
Conclusions: The main conclusions of the research must include the main findings and main results obtained, which may be presented as a short text with or without a numbered list.
Appendices: If there is more than one appendix, they should be named A, B, C, D, etc. However, formulae and equations in appendices should be given separate numbering: in Appendix A they should be Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc.; in Appendix B they should be Eq. (B.1), Eq. (B.2), etc.; and so on. The same principle should be applied for tables and figures in appendices: Table A.1, Fig. A.1, etc.
Acknowledgments: In this section, the authors must mention any funding bodies, grand numbers, supporting institutes or persons, and any other types of acknowledgment.
References: The authors must list all references cited within the article; these must be listed and numbered consecutively in the order in which the citations are given in the text (first to last), with the number given within square brackets. All references must be listed individually at the end of the article and must have a number that corresponds to a citation number within the main body of the article.
Mathematical formulae: If the authors have used mathematical equations, they must be written as editable text, not included as images. All equations given in the text must be numbered.
Figures: The figures must be high-resolution graphics (.tif or.jpg) with high contrast. Figures should be suitable for reproduction and should be referenced by its number at the appropriate place within the text. The figure number and a full caption must be written under the figure.
Tables: The tables should be presented as editable text, not as images. Tables should be placed next to the relevant text in the article. Tables must be numbered consecutively by their order of appearance in the text. Any table notes must be placed below the body of the table.
Supplementary files: The authors may attach supplementary materials related to the article. These materials can be Excel spreadsheets, images, videos, sound clips, software binary files or others.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Journal Name: Journal of Techniques
ISSN: 2708-8383 (Online)
Publisher : Middle Technical University
Frequency : Quarterly
DOI : 10.51173/3/jt
Acceptance Rate :13%
Journal Template : (Download)
Published By Middle Technical University (MTU) - Iraq
This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)
A peer-reviewed, no publication fees, open-access journal by the Middle Technical University, explore the journal.