A Comprehensive Review of Multi-Port DC/DC Converters for The Off-Grid System Integration with Renewable Energy Resources
DC/DC Converter, Multiport Converters, Isolated Converters, Non-Isolated Converters, PhotovoltaicAbstract
Appropriate design of Multi-Port Converter (MPC) topology helps to overcome the difficulties of combining numerous renewable energy sources (RES). In this article, a comprehensive analysis of these MPCs in terms of their topologies, operating principles, various dependability, and overall efficacy is offered. There are two main types of MPCs which are non-isolated and isolated MPCs being coupled in parallel and series configurations to function as multi-input converters. These MPCs can flow the load power in one or both directions for the RES or BESS (battery energy storage system) applications. The non-isolated MPCs are most used in the latest years but they have some limitations such as small voltage gain, and failure in isolation. The isolated MPC is more effective than the non-isolated ones in terms of isolation between the input power stage and output but has some drawbacks such as the high cost, and large size of the high-frequency transformer (HFT). In this review paper, a high-efficiency voltage-regulator/battery energy storage system (VR-BESS) was presented as a multi-port DC-DC converter for the standalone PV (photovoltaic) array. This converter has fewer switches, is cheaper, and is more dependable than its counterparts.
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