Comparison between Sevoflurane and Isoflurane Effects on Hemodynamic Status
Isoflurane, Sevoflurane, Hemodynamic Status, Inhalation AgentAbstract
Back ground: Volatile anaesthetics are known to cause hypotension because of its effects on the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system, on the myocardium as well as its direct action on vascular smooth muscle.
Aim of study: is to compare between sevoflurane and isoflurane effects on pulse rate and mean blood pressure during general anaesthesia.
Patients and methods: this prospective study was carried out at Al-Hilla Teaching Hospital/Babylon as well as Balad General Hospital/Salah Al-Din, from 2nd (March) 2021-20th (May) 2021. Thirty patients between the ages 7- 68 years were enrolled in this study, 13 Male and 17 females. All patients fasted for 8-10 hours before proposed time of surgery. In all selected patients, pulse rate and mean blood pressure was recorded at baseline, at intubation at (5 Minute), (10 Minute), (15 Minute), (20 Minute), (25 Minute), (30Minute), (40 Minute) of the time of operation, extubation, and recovery.
Results: showed that non-significant differences between inhalation agent (sevoflurane and isoflurane) and hemodynamic status (pulse rate and Mean blood pressure) at different time. The Groups according to their gender, showed high percentage of 38.5% in males at age group of 36-50. While 50.0% of females at age group 21-35 years. The most patients which received Isoflurane as inhalational agent were female groups (52.9%) versus (46.2%) for male groups, the female group which received Sevoflurane inhalational agent were (47.1%) versus (53.8%) for male groups.
Conclusion: it conclude that the sevoflurane and isoflurane is more anesthetic stable gas on heart rate and mean blood pressure.
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