The Effect of Authentic Leadership in the Proactive Behavior of Employees: An Analytical Study Based on the Experiences of Managers in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning
Self-Awareness, Balanced Processing, Vocal BehaviorAbstract
The research aims to identify the extent of the influence of reliability in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning and to determine the degree of relationship in proactive work behaviors by knowing the dimensions of reliable leadership available in the ministry as an independent variable with its dimensions (self-awareness, Internalized moral perspective, Balanced Processing, Relational transparency ) in the proactive behavior of employees as a dependent variable with its dimensions (vocal behavior, Individual Innovation, problem solving, and Taking charge). and problem of the study lies in the need to determine the role of trusted leaders in the proactive behavior of employees in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning. as, (5) departments were selected as a site for the study. Sample approved (intentionally) was taken consisting of (103) managers in the upper, middle and lower departments, that is, general managers and their assistants. And directors of departments and directors of divisions who are part of the study community of (140) individuals in the departments of the ministry inside the headquarters, by (70%). The results were analyzed by adopting the statistical program (SPSS V.24). With proactive behavior and its dimensions.
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