Single Objective Optimization Methods in Electrical Power Systems: A Review
Single-Objective Optimization, Generator maintenance scheduling, Heuristic, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithmsAbstract
Although the scheduling of maintenance tasks for generators is not a new issue, it has recently attracted new attention due to the significant rise in demand for expanding power system size in modern power systems. Generator Maintenance Scheduling (GMS) is a nonlinear optimization problem, highly dimensional and constrained, and determines when power-producing units must undertake well-planned preventative maintenance. The objective function includes binary variables to indicate whether a generator is undergoing maintenance at a given time and is subject to several restrictions described in this paper. However, the biggest concern of GMS is to produce a precise timetable for preventive maintenance of generating units with low cost and high reliability. Despite that, regrettably, a large volume of research works has accomplished solutions towards a model of GMS with the consideration of either maximizing system reliability or minimizing operation costs as an objective of their research work. This is called Single-Objective Problem (SOP), which involves one objective function that needs to be optimized. SOP is solved by Single-Objective Optimization Method (SOOM). The primary purpose of the research is to present a review of SOOM methods used in solving GMS problems.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ali Abdulmunim Ibrahim Al-kharaz, Ahmed Bahaaulddin A.Wahhab, Mohammed Fadhil Ibrahim, Shahab Abdulla

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