The Effect of Social Capital on Job Performance Through the Mediating Role of the Knowledge Exchange: An Analytical Study in the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities
Social Capital, Knowledge Exchange, Job PerformanceAbstract
The research aimed to test the effect of social capital, namely (structural, relational, and cognitive), on job performance through the mediating role of knowledge exchange processes (donating and collecting knowledge) in the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities. To achieve the objectives of the research, the descriptive and analytical approach was used by distributing a questionnaire to the employees working in the Ministry's office, where 300 questionnaires were distributed according to the simple random sample, and the response rate was (92%), as the valid questionnaires for statistical analysis reached (278) forms. Structural equation modeling with AMOS v.28 was used to build a model and analyze the relationships in addition to the SPSS v.28 program. The research reached a set of results, including the existence of significant correlation and influence relationships between social capital, knowledge exchange, and job performance, in addition to the fact that knowledge exchange mediates positively the relationship between social capital and job performance. The most important recommendations were the design of strategies aimed at encouraging the Ministry's employees to engage in social interaction activities and knowledge exchange to improve job performance.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rana Diaa Abdel Baqi, Sawsan Jawad Hussein, Marwa Mustaph Al-Roubaie, Jafar Ahmad Alserhan

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