Applying TTIED-CMYK Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Raspberry pi and DHT-11


  • Noor Sattar Noor Engineering Technical College-Baghdad, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Dalal Abdulmohsin Hammood Engineering Technical College-Baghdad, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ali Al-Naji School of Engineering, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia



Text-to-Image Encryption (TTIE), TTIED-CMYK algorithm, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Raspberry Pi, DHT-11


Recently, there has been a wide and continuous development in wireless sensor networks WSNs. These networks are directly employed in our daily lives, so it has become necessary to maintain the confidentiality of information in these networks. This paper provided a detailed explanation of the types of attackers according to their layer, in addition to the design of a wireless sensor network consisting of a temperature and humidity sensor called the DHT-11 and a Raspberry Pi to implement the Text-To-Image Encryption/Decryption algorithm based on CMYK mode (TTIED-CMYK) in these networks. An encrypted image with dimensions of 2×2 and a size not exceeding 70 bytes was obtained for a text consisting of eleven characters. In addition to that, the encryption time is very short, not exceeding 1 microsecond.


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How to Cite

Noor Sattar Noor, Dalal Abdulmohsin Hammood, & Ali Al-Naji. (2022). Applying TTIED-CMYK Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Raspberry pi and DHT-11. Journal of Techniques, 4(3), 1–7.




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