Modern Methods Used in Enterprise Resource Planning About the Business of International and Iraqi Commercial Companies
Real-Native, Competitiveness, Developer, Designer, Client, Media Documents, Supply ChainAbstract
The concept of enterprise resource planning depends on knowledge and the production of knowledge and its optimal use to determine the nature of the economy and its activities and means. Plan and expand the resources, methods, and techniques used in these activities.
Research, planning, and development are important factors in the economy, and countries seek to invest in this important activity to achieve a renewable and diversified source of research and development. The economic institutions of these countries have become a window to get rid of surplus production that exceeds the need of the local market to be able to create a future vision for the possibilities of advancing this activity and its vital role for the economy and society. For it to be a model that can be applied, followed, and benefited from in drawing a picture of a bright role in an effective economic activity, despite the difficulty of obtaining some data and indicators related to this important activity in Iraq and some of them. This led to an increase in the volume of international competition based on product quality and lower costs and prices.
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