Real-time Sitting Correction Using Arduino-Based Ultrasonic Sensor at the Workplace
Accuracy, DC Motor, Microcontroller, Ultrasonic Sensor, Smart ChairAbstract
People who work from home or in offices typically sit at a computer for most of their workday, often sitting with bad posture. Therefore, the decision was made to develop chairs to find a solution for the medical problems that arise from sitting for long periods during work. The intended audience for the chair includes office workers, students, and homemakers. Gamers who spend a lot of time sitting in their chairs could benefit from the technology. This research aims to solve the problem of unhealthy sitting. The hardware configuration includes a DC motor, power supply, microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor, buzzer, and a chair. The software configuration uses Arduino software to evaluate the system's overall accuracy. Four categorization models are used: true positive, false positive, true negative, and false negative. The system development process has been exceptionally successful, achieving a total accuracy of approximately 97.434%. For future work, it is expected to increase the accuracy of the system with an IR sensor and speaker to alert the user.
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