The Impact of Research & Development Capabilities & Innovation Capabilities on the Environmental Dimension of Sustainable Marketing
Research and Development Capabilities, Innovation Capabilities, Environmental Dimension of Sustainable MarketingAbstract
Considered Research& development capabilities and innovation capabilities are key factors that help organizations sustain their business by offering products that comply with environmental requirements. Business models have become multidimensional, and take into account long-term environmental impacts rather than just short-term financial returns and issues. So this research aims to learn the range of impact of research & development capabilities and innovation capabilities in the environmental dimension of sustainable marketing. The targeted research sample is represented in the Energy-Saving Lighting Plant (LED) in Al – Taji area. The descriptive analytic method was used by using the questionnaire instrument to collect the data from the research population numbered (173) employees .A random sample numbered (138) employees was chosen. SPSSVer-24 program was used with statistical instruments and means such as (Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient, Arithmetic Mean ,Standard Deviation , Variation Coefficient , Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient ,Simple Linear Regression ).The most important conclusions that are reached by this research is the existence of impact and Correlation relation between research & development capabilities and innovation capabilities and between the environmental dimension of sustainable marketing, that is, the greater the interest in research and development capabilities and innovation capabilities, this will lead to the achievement of the environmental dimension of sustainable marketing. One of the most important recommendations reached by the research to achieve the environmental dimension of sustainable marketing is that the factory pays more attention to modernizing production lines, and providing products that keep pace with technological development.
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