Finite Element Modelling Based Studies for Dental Implants: Systematic Review
Finite element analysis, Dental Implant, Stress analysis, Stress distribution, Implant screwAbstract
Finite element analysis (FEA) has been used to evaluate dental implant designs, superstructure structure; material, and surrounding bone stability. According to PubMed, and Google scholar, much FEA research on dental implants was published between 1988 and 2022.
Finite element analysis is an advanced technology used to examine implant-abutment links, dental implant design, and implant screw architecture to verify its usability and dependability in the field of dental implantology.
The purpose of this FEA literature study was to go over the concept applications of the finite element method (FEM) in dental implantology.
Many health-related problems, notably in dental implantology, can be swiftly and simply solved utilizing finite element methods, which combine strength, stress, material science, and architecture. Finite element methods not only give speedy and reliable data on the patients under investigation, but they also act as essential guidance for many clinical trials. To have a better understanding of the finite element modelling method.
For many years, the FEA approach has been employed in medicine and is frequently used in the study of dental implantology. It is a useful tool for permitting endless replication of studies that cannot be duplicated clinically in one-to-one circumstances in various settings.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Shahad Mohammed Shakir, Saja Ali Muhsin, Raad Al Marza

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