Smart Patch for Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring in Epileptic Seizure Patients via the Sole
Blood Pressure, Diastolic, Epileptic Seizure, Non-Invasive Photoplethysmography, Plethysmography, Smart Patch, SystolicAbstract
Epileptic seizures can cause sudden blood pressure changes, requiring continuous monitoring. However, traditional blood pressure monitoring methods are often invasive and uncomfortable for the patient. In addition, it is difficult to measure blood pressure during seizures. This research aims to design a non-invasive, comfortable device to monitor blood pressure during epileptic seizures continuously. Photoplethysmography (PPG) signals from the sole of the patient's foot were used to extract blood pressure data. A smart patch was designed to be worn comfortably on foot for continuous monitoring during seizures. The results show that the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure errors were 2.838 and 4.494 mmHg during epileptic seizures, respectively. These blood pressure changes could be related to the onset of seizures, suggesting that the device and methodology could be combined with other measures to analyze and predict seizure activity. This research offers a non-invasive and comfortable solution for continuous blood pressure monitoring during seizures, which may affect seizure prediction and management.
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