Methods of Additive Manufacturing for Dental Co-Cr Alloys: Systematic Review
Dentistry, Selective laser sintering, Electron beam melting, Selective laser melting, Cobalt–chromium, Powder bed fusionAbstract
Additive manufacturing is a popular method of producing items directly from digital models through a layer-by-layer material build-up process.
To evaluate the Current State of Knowledge on Dental Co-Cr Alloy Additive Manufacturing Techniques.
Innovative additive printing technologies have made it possible to produce intricate dental components customized for each patient. This study investigated the manufacturing method (build orientation and process parameters), post-processing techniques, and metallic powders utilized in dental applications (stress relieving, surface finishing). The databases PubMed, Science Direct, Mendeley, and Google Scholar were used to carry out an electronic search. A manual search of pertinent article citations was also carried out; inclination angle, stress relieving, heat treatment, cobalt-chromium, selective laser melting, selective laser sintering, and powder bed fusion, dentistry were some of the keywords utilized. Although this publication tries to contain the most recent study from the previous eleven years (2010–2021), and to explain the materials powders and metal used in dental applications.
A cutting-edge technique called additive manufacturing uses a layer-by-layer approach to material build-up to produce things directly from digital models. It is missing a tool, a manufacturing process that produces fully thick metallic components quickly and with good precision. Qualities of additive aspects of production such component design flexibility, part complexity, light- weighting, component consolidation, and functional design are generating specific interest in the additive fabrication of metal for use in automotive, marine, oil & gas, and aerospace industries during powder bed fusion, each layer of the powder bed is only partially fused employing a laser or electron beam as an energy source, the recent and most promising additive manufacturing technologies utilized to produce intricate, low-volume, tiny metallic parts.
By using computer-aided design (CAD) technology, recent developments in digital dentistry have changed dental offices and dental laboratories, by utilizing 3D printing because precise metal framework fitting and technique faster.
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