The Impact of the Marketing Intelligence System on Competitive Strategies: An Applied Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Travel and Tourism Companies in Baghdad
Marketing intelligence system, Competitive strategies, Travel and tourism companies in Baghdad, Porter's Strategies, marketing intelligenceAbstract
The research aims to identify the nature of the relationship between the marketing intelligence system and competitive strategies, and the research problem arises in answering the question: Do tourism companies rely on the marketing intelligence system in collecting data on the internal and external environments and on competitors’ movements and determining the needs of customers in providing service? What is the level of interest of the senior management of tourism companies in marketing intelligence? A sample of the 123 travel and tourism companies operating in Baghdad was selected. The questionnaire was used as a measurement tool. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted in analyzing the answers of the sample members, which numbered 146 managers and officials in the travel and tourism companies in question. The data was processed using the analysis program. The statistician (SPSS V.25) The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of an impact and correlation between the marketing intelligence system and the competitive strategies of travel and tourism companies operating in Baghdad. An information base related to customers, their tastes and market developments, in addition to monitoring competitors' movements in order to provide the necessary marketing information to help managers take the right decision in applying the appropriate competitive strategy for survival and continuity in the tourism market.
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