Joining of Polymer to Aluminum Alloy AA1050 By Friction Spot Welding
Friction Spot Welding (FSW), Polymer, AA1050Abstract
The friction spot welding process is used to join the hybrid joint of aluminium to polymer. AA 1050 Aluminum alloy and polyethylene polymer (type of plastic) were used for joining. Aluminium surface treatment was done to increase the wettability of it. The surface treatment was done by electrochemical treatment. Two parameters of the joining process were used: (1, 1.5 and 2) min. (920, 1340 and 1500) rpm for time and rotational speed, respectively. Many tests for the joint are done: shear test and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Using the Minitab program, the effect of the parameters on the joint was analysed. The maximum value of the shear force was (1587 N) at 1.5 min. time and 1340 rpm rotational speed. The minimum shear force was (589 N) at 1 min. time and 920 rpm rotational speed. The joints which were tested failed by an interfacial shear with a ductile fracture of the polymer side. The process of joining mechanism occurred through a mechanical interlocking between the molten polymer and the surface of the AA 1050 aluminium specimen, cohesive and adhesive. The average thickness for the joint of the tested specimens was 4µm.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Osamah Sabah Barrak, Mahmood Mohammed Hamzah, Ali Safaa Ali, Slim Ben-Elechi, Sami Chatti, Wasaq Haider Moubder, Ruba Rasool Radhi, Arfan Ali Ahmad

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