Shell Model Calculations of Energy Levels and Binding Energy of 133;135Sn, and 133;135Sb Nuclei
Shell Model, Effective Interactions, 132SnAbstract
Unrestricted calculations of the shell model were conducted to investigate the positive and negative energy levels and binding energy for A-odd nuclei 133;135Sn and 133;135Sb by utilizing the effective interactions kh5082, jj56pna, khhe, and jj56cdb. The predicted results have been compared with the recently measured data and good global agreements were obtained for all interactions except the khhe effective interaction failed to determine the ground state of odd nuclei, it is concluded that there is no universally effective interaction in this mass region and more investigation needed to study other nuclear structure properties that might help us to better understand the nuclei lies in the vicinity of 132Sn core.
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