Estimation of CD8 Parameter Level in Thalassemia Patients
CD8, Intermediate thalassemi, blood transfusion, Thalassemia major, B-thalassemiaAbstract
Thalassemia is a group of inherited hemoglobin illnesses characterized by insufficient production of at least one of the globin chains, resulting in irregular globin-chain production. Damaged hemoglobin finally causes anemia.
To estimation the levels of CD8 in thalassemia patients. The present study was carried out in the Medical City and Al-Karama teaching hospitals in Baghdad and Al-Kut hospital for maternity and children in Wasit province, Iraq. Including 120 patients suffering from thalassemia from both genders, aged 20–49 years during the period from the beginning of January 2022 to the end of April 2022. It was the measurement of serum CD8 by the ELISA technique. The mean value of CD8 level was statistically significantly different in the studied groups (P<0.001).
The comparison revealed that the mean value of CD8 in patients frequently dialyzed without filter was statistically significantly higher than in both groups of patients dialyzed frequently with filter and dialyzed unfrequently, while when comparing the frequently dialyzed with filter group to the unfrequently dialyzed group, there is no significant difference.
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